Tuesday 3 July 2012

"Countless Blessings"


Monday 2 July 2012

"I'm Captured By Your Holy Calling"

I'm captured by Your Holy calling. Set me apart for I know You're drawing me to Yourself. You gently call me into Your presence; guiding me by Your Holy Spirit. Teach me dear Lord, to live all of my life through Your eyes. Lead me Lord I pray; I want to surrender my life to You!

Wednesday 27 June 2012


The Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty Savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With His love, He will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs - [Zephaniah 3:17]

Sunday 17 June 2012

"GRACE FOR TODAY" ~ A Picture Of Joy

I will have much joy in the Lord. My soul will have joy in my God, for He has clothed me with the clothes of His saving power. He has put around me a coat of what is right and good, as a man at his own wedding wears something special on his head, and as a bride makes herself beautiful with stones of great worth - [Isaiah 61:10]

Saturday 16 June 2012

"Believe In GOD"

Don't worry about how you will achieve your victory because when God determines it, it will happen.

Said Jesus : "Everything Is Possible For One Who Believes"

Friday 15 June 2012

"Father's Love Letter"

"FATHER'S LOVE LETTER ~ An Intimate Message From GOD To You"

Monday 11 June 2012

"Beware Of Satan : The Truth Twister"

Your thoughts could begin to take on the character of the questions Satan asked Eve in the Garden of Eden. After God had created the greatest environment anyone could imagine for Adam and his wife, Eve, He gave them one restriction. He told them to steer clear of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. That's all Satan needed to hear. He started whispering in Eve's ear that God was cheating her. "Did God really say?" he asked, and proceeded to twist what God said.
Satan is still twisting. He'll make you think that if everything is not going your way, then God doesn't care for you. Yet God's Word makes it clear that we will have trouble. In fact, that trouble could be a sign of God's care, for He is helping us grow stronger through the trial.
Feeling cheated? Don't listen to the enemy. Whether good things happen or bad, trust God with your life!

"GRACE FOR TODAY" ~ Walking His Way

The opportunity to walk with God is the awesome privilege of believers. Blessed is every one who fears the Lord, who walks in His ways - [Psalm 128:1]

Saturday 9 June 2012


I will show you and teach you in the way you should go. I will tell you what to do with My eye upon you - [Psalm 32:8]

"GRACE FOR TODAY" ~ Training Your Soul To Be Thankful

There are different kinds of gifts,but the same Spirit.There are different kinds of service,but the same Lord.There are different kinds of working,but the same God works all of them in all men
- [1 Corinthians 12:4-6]

Friday 8 June 2012

"Lord, I Need You!"

I need You! I need You to fill my heart & soul,
Lord, come and take control,
Come and change my heart and make me whole;
Lord, I want to worship You in truth
And I will wait on You.

Sunday 3 June 2012

"So Let Hope Rise & Darkness Tremble"

We should speak to thoughts of doubt & unbelief that are contrary to what God has said in His Word - For His Word is truth. Actually, it's the demonic forces behind the problems that speak to our minds - trying to keep us in doubt & unbelief. We must resist those thoughts - and the first step is to talk back! Don't be passive. Resist! Jesus told us to speak to our mountains & tell them to be gone.

Saturday 2 June 2012

"Are You Doing The Job GOD Calls You To Do?"

If you're not getting the Word out to others, you're not doing the job GOD calls you to do. Doing the job will deliver staying power for your Christian walk. Tell someone today about how precious JESUS is to you. I urge you - get the Word out. Do your job today. It will ignite in you a fresh passion for JESUS.

Friday 1 June 2012

"GOD Corrects Us Because He Loves Us"

You probably didn't like all the discipline your parents gave you as you were growing up and you may not like God's discipline either. But God corrects His children to bring them closer to Himself. He disciplines you so that when you ask, "Is this the child that You wanted?". He can look into your eyes and heart and answer, "Absolutely!".

Tuesday 29 May 2012

"Divine Love"

Thank You Holy Spirit for You have called me to do Your work here and I am certain that all men may receive this Love, if they will only seek for It in the true Way and with earnest desire and faith, that I know it is possible for all men to be saved.

This Love is the greatest thing in all the world, and the only thing that can make man at-one with the Father and change the soul of man, as it has existed since his creation, into a Divine Substance filled with the Essence of the Father. There is nothing else in all the Universe of God that can cause man to become a new creature and an inhabitant of the Father's Kingdom. And when men possess this Love, they possess everything then that will make them not only the perfect man but also the divine angel.


I am pleased at the way in which you received my message. Continue to pray to the Father for more and more of His divine love and your prayers will be answered. You will soon realize, with the certainty that comes from the conscious possession of the divine essence, that your soul is not lost and never will be.
So, with my love and blessings, God bless you, all my brothers & sisters in Christ.

"Trials & Temptations Are Intended To Test My Faith"

You may think that life should be a bed of roses, but if that's your take on life, you're in for a big surprise! The issue is not if you will face trials, it's how you will respond to the inevitable problems of life. You may choose to take matters into your own hands by becoming bitter and angry with God or anyone else or, you can submit to the trial and let God do His work with the confidence that He will not waste your sorrows and that in the end, "all things work together for good" - It's your choice. But believe me, the pain is worth the gain.

"GOD Is Bigger Than Our Circumstances"

Perhaps at some point in your life your own plans and goals were changed. Disappointments may be understandable, but when we invite God into the situation, we can trust that He will guide our steps and bring us into the ultimate plan He has for our lives. And His plan will happen - no matter what! God is bigger than our circumstances, and the plans that He has for us are far greater than any setbacks we may suffer. The human mind plans the way, but the Lord directs the steps.

Monday 28 May 2012

"The LORD Is All I Need"

Jesus is all that I desire. I'm completely contented with His management of my life. Though life is not perfect but He has never failed me. Though there have been disappointments and difficulties, He has always kept His promises. I have never sought Him, but I have found in Him all that I need Him to be. I have the Lord! He's all I need.

Wednesday 23 May 2012

"The Fruit Of Your Harvest Depends On The Seeds You Plant"

Whatever you plant, that's what you'll harvest. As hard as it is to accept, the good or bad crops spring from the choices you have made. I've learned, often the hard way, but when I admit in total honesty, only then do I began to experience God's grace. This is truth that sets me free.
Begin today, by planting good seeds on the ground. Then you can experience a better harvest in many seasons to come.

Monday 21 May 2012

"JESUS Leads Us"

Listening and learning to follow God involves challenge, mystery and trust. We will have to face many challenges in life (the stranger is out to kill, steal and destroy. Then, you feel your life is a mystery (we don't know where the path will lead tomorrow) but we must not lose trust in Him (we are confident that Jesus is going before us and knows what is best for us). Where He leads us by His loving voice, we must follow.

"Turn On The Light Of Faith"

Fears can interrupt our life and they can sure influence the way we think and act. Our thoughts, motives and behaviors are constantly shaped by either faith or fear. Therefore brothers and sisters in Christ, I urge you to seek the Lord because He will deliver us from all our fears. Let's turn on the light of faith and move away from fear.

Sunday 20 May 2012


Responsibility opens the doors of opportunity. How you handle each responsibility determines whether or not you will be trusted with more. I know all the things you do, and I have opened a door for you that no one can close - [Revelation 3:8]

"Seeing Life From GOD's View"

"Unless you are faithful  in small matters, you won't be faithful in large ones". LIFE ON EARTH IS A TEST : Character is both developed and revealed by tests, and all of life is a test. LIFE ON EARTH IS A TRUST : The more God gives you, the more responsible He expects you to be - [Luke 16:10a]

Friday 18 May 2012

"Turn Back To GOD"

Life as a Christian isn't 'a bed of roses' and we all have a part to play, a mission - God's mission - to share Christ love & redeem the world! The Word says that we will receive the message with joy from the Holy Spirit in spite of the severe suffering it brought us. In this way, we imitate Christ.
I received Christ in the year 2007 and eversince then, I have been tested in so many areas - endured many sufferings and trials but still I did not give up! Till now, I have to admit that I am not perfect and am still a sinner but because we are children of God, we don't have to be victims of circumstance or be weighted down by the guilt of sin. Be honest and turn back to God, and He will turn your attention from yourself to Him and His mercy.