Monday 11 June 2012

"Beware Of Satan : The Truth Twister"

Your thoughts could begin to take on the character of the questions Satan asked Eve in the Garden of Eden. After God had created the greatest environment anyone could imagine for Adam and his wife, Eve, He gave them one restriction. He told them to steer clear of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. That's all Satan needed to hear. He started whispering in Eve's ear that God was cheating her. "Did God really say?" he asked, and proceeded to twist what God said.
Satan is still twisting. He'll make you think that if everything is not going your way, then God doesn't care for you. Yet God's Word makes it clear that we will have trouble. In fact, that trouble could be a sign of God's care, for He is helping us grow stronger through the trial.
Feeling cheated? Don't listen to the enemy. Whether good things happen or bad, trust God with your life!