Tuesday 29 May 2012

"Divine Love"

Thank You Holy Spirit for You have called me to do Your work here and I am certain that all men may receive this Love, if they will only seek for It in the true Way and with earnest desire and faith, that I know it is possible for all men to be saved.

This Love is the greatest thing in all the world, and the only thing that can make man at-one with the Father and change the soul of man, as it has existed since his creation, into a Divine Substance filled with the Essence of the Father. There is nothing else in all the Universe of God that can cause man to become a new creature and an inhabitant of the Father's Kingdom. And when men possess this Love, they possess everything then that will make them not only the perfect man but also the divine angel.


I am pleased at the way in which you received my message. Continue to pray to the Father for more and more of His divine love and your prayers will be answered. You will soon realize, with the certainty that comes from the conscious possession of the divine essence, that your soul is not lost and never will be.
So, with my love and blessings, God bless you, all my brothers & sisters in Christ.